In My Father's House

Aug 30 - Sep 5

In My Father’s House

August 30 – September 5 Family Devotions
Part 1

This comes from Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s book Children of God Storybook Bible

Week of August 30 – September 5

Theme: IN MY FATHER’S HOUSE (Luke 2)


One day, when Jesus was twelve, he traveled with his family to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of the Passover. He was so excited that he kept asking his parents, “Are we there yet? I can’t wait to see the temple again!”

When the celebration was over, the families from Jesus’ village began their journey home. The children were all running and playing together along the way. Mary and Joseph thought Jesus was with his friends. But when they looked for him, he was nowhere to be found. Mary and Joseph were terribly worried!

“We must have left him behind in Jerusalem!” said Mary.

For three days they searched for Jesus in the crowded streets and markets of the city. At last, they went to the temple… and there was Jesus, sitting with the teachers, amazing them with his wisdom and how well he understood God’s love.

Mary was very upset. “We have been searching for you everywhere!”

“Why were you searching for me?” Jesus replied gently. “Didn’t you know that I would be in my Father’s house?”

Jesus had realized that God was his true Father.

Mary’s eyes grew wide, and she never forgot that moment. Jesus grew into a man both strong and wise.

Those who are planted in the House of the Lord shall flourish.
—Psalm 92.13


Tell about a time when your parents accidentally left you behind somewhere. What do you think Jesus enjoyed so much about being in God’s House?

Family Project

Plan your next visit to church together as a family. Make it a special event (ideas: get dressed up, get donuts on the way to church, bring a special present for one of your church friends).