Sing Your Song

May 10-16

Sing Your Song

May 10-16 Family Devotions
Part 1

These short devotions are from Sally Lloyd-Jones’ book,
“Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing.”

Week of May 10-16



Of all the incredible things God made, which do you think is the most amazing?
Is it the Grand Canyon? Or the Milky Way? What about the North Pole?

Or Mount Everest? Or sunsets? Or starfish? Or the cheetah?

Do you know what God says is the best, most magnificent, incredible thing he has ever made?


“You will be my own special treasure.” —Exodus 19.5

The whole world is signing a song. Have you heard it?

The wind is whispering it in the trees. The rain is dancing it on the rooftops. The whole of creation is singing it out together: “God loves us. He made us. He’s very pleased with us!”

It’s the song that’s been sung since the beginning. The song God created everything in his world to sing.

It’s the song without words. It’s the song you were created to sing too.

We forgot our song long ago, when we turned and ran away from God. But Jesus has come to bring us home to God—and to give us back our song.

So go on—sing your song!

“Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth! Come before him, singing with joy… he made us and we are his.” —Psalm 100.1-3


What is your favorite song?

Why do you like it so much?

Have you ever made up your own song? How does it go?

If your life is a song to God, what kind of song is it (joyful, silly, serious, loud, quiet, hard, soft, funny, angry, thankful, needy)?

Family Project

Make a family playlist of everyone’s favorite songs and go for a drive together—playing the music and singing along.